Les Infos, Newsletters

InfoFlash for English Readers 1405

24 oct. 2014

– “Is Varroa Destructor or Neonicotinoid Pesticides Responsible for Bee Health Decline?”
– Anti-oxydants, heavy metals,… : Is organic better than conventional?
– “Manage each plant individually at nine m.p.h.” (The Western Producer)
– “Why is Organic Agriculture so neglected by Organic Advocates?” (T Daynard, Canada)
– To smile : Do not shoot your Petri dish!


“Is Varroa Destructor or Neonicotinoid Pesticides Responsible for Bee Health Decline?”

1404Abeilles President Obama has charged the Pollinator Health Task Force with preparing a Research Action Plan to “determine the relative contributions of, and mitigation strategies for, different stressors leading to species declines and colony collapse disorder….” Although many factors ranging from nutrition to genetics to pathogens have been studied to assess whether or to what extent they contribute to bee…

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Anti-oxydants, heavy metals,… : Is organic better than conventional?

1408AssortimentFruitsLegumes An international study coordinated by the University of Newcastle (UK) states that organic fruit and vegetables have higher levels of anti-oxydants and lower levels of heavy metals and pesticides residues. What’s about?  University of Newcastle study conclusions read the  study summary . Many medias have reported and approved these conclusions. The main points : – The study is…

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“Manage each plant individually at nine m.p.h.” (The Western Producer)

1408TexasUniversityPrecisionAgriculture Plant-by-plant sensing of fertilizer needs and weed control at nine m.p.h. has moved from science fiction to science fact.That is the story told by The Western Producer, a professional USA review. And that is the  result of a research done by Texas A&M, the Agricultural and Mechanical Texas University.

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“Why is Organic Agriculture so neglected by Organic Advocates?” (T Daynard, Canada)

Under this title, Terry Daynard, Ontario (Canada) grain farmer and former University of Guelph crop science professor, tells the story of his surprising experience at a recent organic conference in Guelph, Ontario. There were two very different conferences – both at the same time and place. In one room were the organic growers, marketers and advisers. The meeting was “a…

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To smile : Do not shoot your Petri dish!

1409xkcdInVitro Science cannot be only a Petri Dish experiment. In science, one must show sound evidence in vivo, ie real life. For example, do not believe GE Séralini: it appears he makes the confusion between in vitro toxicity and in vivo toxicity in some of his articles.  Look here on  ForumPhyto (in French: sorry!). Xkcd is a Web comics Internet site…

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